Room Drawing by: Jade Thomas- Ballard

Jade Thomas- Ballard 4/27/17

Art Story

My name is Alexandra and I just got a new girlfriend named Lexi. We do everything together we went to Japan once and we got one of those cat statues with the hand being up. Our most favorite place to hang out out of the whole house is the living room. We just look at our painting on the wall that has the images of wolves on it. I got it because I was obsessed with wolves Lexi didn’t like it for a while but warmed up to it eventually. We even got a sign over the door that says welcome home my girlfriend made me get that one. In the back of the living room we have a bunch of shelves that hold our books and pictures of us it's really cute. We even have our working space on the table we have to crouch in order to use our computers so we put mats on the rug to confront our knees. And the plants are cute I got them from my mom when me and Lexi bought the house I just love our relationship I may even ask Lexi to marry me soon I can’t wait.
