A picture is worth a thousand words

Screenshot 2014-12-18 at 2.55.13 PM
Screenshot 2014-12-18 at 2.55.13 PM

Why do people Cyberbully? People Cyber bullying for the same seasons as any other type of bullying. “Putting someone down, will never help you reach the top”. I chose this quote because Some people become bullies because they  were bullied before and so they think is a way of solving what they went through, or because they see it as way of getting popular. There are many ways of stopping cyber bullying such as talking to your parents, consulting someone you trust. like your best friend, your teacher, your school counselor, your sister… or deleting your account. My advice for cyberbullying is facing the bullie, standing up for yourself and showing them that you're not someone that he/she should be picking on.
