Air Pollution (Q2 BM)

For this project, we were given the task of making a PSA in some way to inform others about the dangers of something harming our planet. The thing we decided to focus on, is Air Pollution, something that is talked about a lot and seems to have a huge impact on our earth and even the ozone. Throughout this, I have learned a lot more than I already knew about the topic—before all I knew was that it hurt people, which is true, but there’s a lot more aspects to it than just the simple fact that it “hurts people”. There’s so much more into it, like it affects our foods, animals, plants, even animals that live within our oceans are harmed. Air is one of the essential things for living things to exist, and without that, and without our foods holding the basic high nutritions that we need, living things aren’t surviving too well, and so many people have been hurt or even have died due to the pollution within the air. Things I did in order to complete this PSA was complete a voice over to convey a portion of the things my group and I have researched. Something that I probably would have done differently is include interviews so that we could find out others opinions regarding the issue, and asking them if there was anything they would be willing to do in order to help. Also, something that seemed to be the most meaningful to learn within making this PSA is that I learned more than I knew. I thought I knew what happened, but there’s so much more, like said before, the fact that our food is also affected and also that our ozone was affected and maybe still is. It’s important to know more than just the basics so that you can see how serious it really is.
