Aliou Sow Capstone

My original purpose was to complete an internship at Penn to assist primarily African-American children in learning and playing lacrosse. Furthermore, depending on the activities and when they might need my assistance, I’ve planned to visit Penn once or twice a week to serve as a student coach. By traveling to Penn after school every Tuesday and, if possible, Friday, I’ve used my time and resources to work on the project. Furthermore, I’ve made the most of my tools, including my phone to track progress, my voice to assist in coaching during practices and games, and my collaboration abilities while engaging with the staff and kids. Moreover interacting with children helps me to be able to see the more broad perspective of how the lessons taught to younger children stick with them all throughout their lives and I’m more than happy to be a part of it. Furthermore, connecting with children allows me to have a broader understanding of how the lessons imparted to younger children linger with them throughout their lives, and I’m delighted to be a part of it.

