Aquilah Bond Senior Capstone
My Senior Capstone Project was SLAB Sports Club. The sports club consist of 18 middle schooler from SLA. In the beginning of creating this club it was extremely hard. There were so many fifth graders that were hype to play. Everybody wanted to participate but due to the fact that there were only two people monitoring them we had to cut down the numbers of children. In the program children were taught how to pay basketball, track and field relays, volleyball from Monday- Thursday. Every student had to complete two laps and stretch before playing these activities. On Friday they had free time where they could do whatever they wanted. My project related more to the collaboration in SLA core values. Teamwork was needed and all the sports. The students learned how to work together to complete task without arguing. What I learn throughout the program is how to manage children. It was a struggle to keep them to listen in the beginning because they only knew me as an upperclassman. I had to learn how
to manage my classes and track with my program. Later on down the line I created great relationships with the students. They came to me about problems outside of sports club and I was happy to help them with anything. Hopefully, someone who engage in sports can pick up where I left off and expand SLAB sports club.
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