Arrows-Adams Poetry Blog

This is just a collective of my 3 poems, all with the artifact of arrows being used in different situation.

​Tell a Story Poem 
Two Arrows 
Two arrows,two fates ,one choice               Image result for direction
The arrows directing me to different paths
The death of five or my love  
The unreal moral dilemma is now my reality 

I have to chose the train is coming 
The train is headed  towards the strangers 
Strangers i wouldn't bat an eye to in public 
Now something inside my heart tells me save them 

On the left  is my wife 
The person i love and adore  
When i propose that seemed to be our love’s hardest test 
Then why does this test seem impossible to pass 

The switch in front of me 
The power is a overwhelming cure 
The power of god at my fingertips 
I can't decide 

The arrows stare into my soul
Choking me forcing me to decide 
Forcing me to murder i can't decide 

My stomach knots up 
My head dizzy 
My body nauseous 
I look at the stranger 
I made my decision 

Image result for free will
Reveals a truth 


The gift and burden of free will 
One decision I'm forced to make 
In any situation can influence my fate 
Right or left it's just not that simple  

A or B on the test 
My mom or dad 
Study or sleep 
Happy meal or cheeseburger  

Your life changes 
At that  moment 
you make  a commitment decision 
We control that is verily the truth 

We are responsible 
We are held accountable
For whatever we chose 
We must accept our outcome  

There will always be regret 
Sorrow and pain as a result of your decisions  
But we control that 
We must live with it  

The gift and burden of free will 
We make good 
We make bad 
We make decisions 
We are in control of our decisions 

Ask a question 
Would You Rather...

Image result for would you rather

Question, would you rather have a million dollars or have true love 

A material thing or pure love an affection from a person 

For one, the choice leans to the material thing

To other,s the choice would leans towards the love of another 

Each choice pointing in different outcomes 

Hypothetical, but any choice displays the character of the man 

The heart and ambition of a person 

it opens their souls and shows their true colors  

What would you chose 

What outcome 

Whatever the outcome it will change you 

It will make you 

What choices will you make to change you 

To make you 

To Change you forever 

What direction, what choice 

Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into the  future 

Or  10 minutes into the future of anyone else 

Would you rather accidentally be responsible for the death of a child 

or accidentally be responsible for the deaths of three adults?

Difficult choice 
One you must ask yourself  
one you must make 
