Art 2 ( Alexis Point-of-view)

Alexis Perkins


Art 2


   My mom always told me “Reach for the moon, not the stars”. So through this image, I tried to show my emotion and steps. To reach the moon.

To Begin, I love basketball. I believe basketball is my overall goal. To me, basketball is the moon. I draw an outline of a basketball court. You can only see it when you turn my picture sideways and actually look to understand. Next, I cut off four corners and color them in. The two top corners are red. Making the bottom two black. My first half of the picture are two flags. The first one is the flag of Trinidad and Tobago. This is where my family originally came from. The second one, the United States of America flag. Where I was born and lived my whole life. The two flags are more like a round shape because of my basketball imertagry. There is a girl on each side of both flags. To represent me. One is me with and basketball. With the words “Never Stop”. Next One is me without a basketball. With the words “In god we trust”. Now passing the half court line. Over the first flag. I have a flower with bright colors. With about four pedals slowly falling off. On the other side, I have five circles with the numbers sixteen, nineteen, sixty-two, thirty-six, and fifty-nine. With dotted line connecting them. On top of the two parts. Is an round shape from corner to corner just like the flags at the bottom. Showing waves in different colors. With a pathway with a triangle pointing up with steps on the side on it. In the middle of the waves. Then I draw a line over the top of that. With a drawing of the moon and stars around the moon.

The basketball is like the goal and always my map. The reason for the two flags is to give you an understanding where I started from. The two girls are on the to physically connect me to the image. The two quotes. “Never stop!” &  “In god we trust” is the faith in words that keep me going. The flower is to make I understand life is about chances and I must take to succeed. Some flowers are falling off because each time I get closer to my goal a flower falls offs. The numbers 16, 19, 62, 36, and, 59. Are really streets. 16 and 19 are the only two connected by a blue line. That's because they consider my safe places. 16 street and 19 street. You can say I live at both. Now, 36, 59, and, 62 are the street where I work. Because if I want to succeed I must work to get the things I need to make where I wanna be. Now the waves start with dark colors and slowly becomes lighter at the top. I kinda use that in a metaphoric way. I basically say at I get older. I get closer to my goal. Which mean my path gets clearer. The steps on the side are just a back door just in case I fall off my path. I will never give up hope. Now I cut off the corners because a lot of people judge me. So when people doubt me to the corner they go. Finally, The moon and stars are my goals.

P.S. Thank you for reading this. I hope you like it and understand it.  

Alexis Perkins
Alexis Perkins
