Biomedical Engineer - Laila Abdul-Haqq

In short, I would define this career as the combination of four core studies: biology, engineering, mechanics, and medicine which all work as a team in order to improve the quality of human life with technology. In all honesty, as a whole, I believe that this career is extremely interesting. I say this because it’s crazy how important technology has become when it comes to improving our society’s health issues. In fact, I think that it’s just a tad bit concerning about how much we rely on technology nowadays, but the fact that there are people who are able to combine all these different studies in order to create things super innovative is astonishing. Some advice I’d give to someone who wanted to pursue this career in the future would be that I hope you recognize the time and dedication that’s needed in order to do the things that biomedical engineers do, and if you don’t want to sacrifice your time, you don’t need to pursue this career.
