Bundy Mills

What value do we see in the biodiversity and natural resources of the earth? - Biodiversity is so valuable because without biodiversity life on earth would be almost nonexistent because all the different earthly processes could not be carried out. What human actions are associated with altering earth’s natural systems? - deforestation, incorrect fishing methods, pollution etc are associated with altered earth systems. How can individuals, communities and or nations live more sustainably? - Lower greenhouse gas emissions, eat sustainably, use less electricity, recycle, drive less How did this project deepen your understanding of sustainability? - Having to find sustainable sources for everything deepened my knowledge of sustainability because it showed me how easy and how many solutions there are to moving to a more sustainable life. Also, having to look deeply into where everyday items come from really showed me how unsustainable our society is. What information about your chosen industry surprised you most? Why? - I was very surprised that so much wood is put to waste when making furniture, I would think that a lot would be used because of how much furniture is made. How did you contribute to your groups project? Provide specific examples. What were you proud of, in terms of your overall project? - Acting as a creative leader for the group, allowing peers to add and subtract to our vision, efficiently executing the vision of our group, and making room for all present groupmates to pitch their ideas. I also, filmed and edited our commercial in full.
