Caffeine and Its Effects

You get up in the morning and have a cup of coffee which is your daily routine, but have you ever stopped and think about how much caffeine is in that cup of coffee. No, because your'e too busy enjoying the white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.  
The lowest amount of caffeine that can be present in your body to feel its effects is 32-200mg. Caffeine is a stimulant which raises nervous activity in the body. Each hour your body eliminates 13% caffeine from your body after initial intake. So while you are having your coffee think about the effects of stomach irritation, vomiting, increased heart rate, and nervousness. 
For this example, we will look at the intake of Sunkist in the span of 24 hours and how much caffeine is in my body. I documented this from May 26th at 6:00am. Screenshot 2016-06-02 at 11.19.54 PM.png
Examination of Graph
To come up with these results I used exponential functions. Exponential functions are functions where they have a constant base, a variable as the exponent that keeps changing, and the same base is being multiplied over and over again. 
The 3 equations I created from a chart where I documented my caffeine intake I came up with: 



The equations are presented in order from top to bottom as they are in the graph from left to right.  

Exponential functions are represented as y = abx where a is the amount of caffeine in your body after consuming your food/drink with caffeine, b is the constant which is 0.87 represented in the equations, the exponent x is the hours since 6:00am when on your first day. To figure out the equations you would plug in the time of your next consumption into the previous equation to get your variable a which is the amount of caffeine in your body afterc consuming your food/drink. 

Screenshot 2016-06-02 at 11.19.54 PM.png

Looking at the graph again we can see that was sleeping before the initial point starts on the x-axis. The graph is a funtcion. 

Y-intercept - y = 54.168

Asymptote -  x = 5

The importance of b - b > 1 the graph increases, 0 < b < 1 the graph decreases. 

Range - All Positive Real numbers

Domain - All real numbers

Should you stop consuming caffeine and when is the best time? Well after 200mg, it is probably best to stop because it can mess with you trying to sleep. Which is why people consume it in the morning. The best time to consume caffeine is in the morning because it is intended to keep you up. Do not drink more than 200mg at night because it can cause sleeping problems and nausea.  
