Climate Change from 20th-21st Centuary

This post is about the effects of climate change over the past 2 centuries.

Throughout my statistics Q1 benchmark, I looked into data relating to the changes in temperature in the 20th and 21st centuries. The goal of this was to pinpoint any change in temperature and come to a conclusion about it. In our project, we were expected to look at multiple components of our data in order to prove our claim. My claim is that climate change over the years has caused a pretty large increase in temperature over the past century, and temperatures will continue to rise if we do nothing about it. Here is the data that we will then discuss.

Screenshot 2022-11-04 8.15.06 PM
Screenshot 2022-11-04 8.15.06 PM

The data is skewed. I’ve also noticed that when we examine the spread of that data, there is a noticeable bell shape in the data until we get further into the century, whereas with the 21st there is just a constant spike in average temperature in the months of january. The twentieth-century has more information to pull from, while the twenty-first-century has far less since we are not that far into this century. The rise in temperature in the twenty-first century is easier to notice than it was in the twentieth because of the rising temperatures. The data isn’t very consistent at all, being skewed to the right. There is a 10-degree increase over the 20th and the 21st. The median was used to get a more accurate sense of the data since the data is already skewed. The variance and standard deviation show us that there is a difference, a significant climb in temps and that The 21st century is pretty hot compared to the 20th century. Climate change is the reason, and we can only expect this to continue if we do nothing about it.
