Color Wheel- Flower

My artwork is simple but very fancy. I wanted to take something simple and make it look very nice. My art is just a flower but I have added some dots and circles in the back front on my art work, I also added black fades strips inside the flower. At first I didn’t really like my art, it was just the flower and it looked basic, but then I decided to add the black strips to make it look better. I think it all came together, It was very colorful.

I want my audience to see the details in my art, the colors, the dots and the different patterns. I use to work with a lot of patterns and do henna designs which had to do with different items. I worked with different type of flowers also. My designs fit with art practice because at first I started off with a basic flower and then I added every design I thought off and included it to my flower to make it look good.

