Color Wheel Project


When thinking about doing this project I decided to make my color wheel out of a spider web because, I really like the design of the spider web. I also didn’t want to do a basic color wheel because other people were doing it.  My overall vision was to create a huge spider web with different sections to show the color wheel.  I expect my audience to see the difference between the tints and original colors. My current work relates to this color wheel project because in middle school I had did something similar to the color wheel. The only thing that was different about it was  that the paper we had to color had numbers on it that corresponding with the color.I think my work relates a little bit to contemporary art because when I looked up what it was I saw how the artwork was colorful and eye catching.

I think my color wheel would fit in with contemporary art because of how colorful it is. I don’t think my art work fits with anything really because, I never did anything like this before. But if it did fit into a category it would be contemporary art.  My inspiration came from google because I was looking up different ideas I could use to do a color wheel than a basic wheel .I wasn’t really influenced by any artist. I guess I was influenced by the different art I saw on google for the color wheel examples. A certain technique I used in my project was using a sharpie to go over the lines. I realized when doing this it made my artwork more defined. To me personally it made the colors really pop more. I learned that you can use only three primary colors to create so many other colors know as your secondary colors. I am very proud about the artwork I created because it is something new and I think it turned out really good.
