Comparative Anatomy in Evolution


This project has given me an insight about evolution and how we are distantly related to other species even if they do not exactly resemble us. After researching the skeletal system from other species, I had noticed that there were common structures and similar functions. This led me to wonder what our common ancestor could have looked like. The project also informed me on the complexity of evolution and how even simple mutations could bring advantages in the species' survivability in the environment. Evolution continues to be an interesting topic because it gives ideas how species evolve into a new species and adapt to the environment in comparison to the previous species.

Overall, the project has shown me in depth the purpose of evolution. After comparing the skeletal system, it is easy to say that we were related to the animals that we researched because all of the animals resembled a specific feature in the skeletal system that resembled us. I found the analysis of the bone structure to be interesting because One animal seemed to resemble another animal, however, had a specific feature that we have that the other animal does not have. I found this interesting because it reminded me about the transitional animals during the films.
