CR Math Coding Project

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My project was basically computer science and I worked with Rymir. I chose to use a website we made in middle school and improve it. So far we didn’t get too much done but we started. We will be working on this until next year and we have a lot to do. My part is to change code. I am changing some of the code to make things easier by using functions and creating separate stylesheets to have more control over every little element. We are keeping the same format of the website but we want to make it more visually appealing. I used an app named Notepad++ to code and dropbox to update the website since all of the files are saved into dropbox. I am learning how to do things that I couldn’t figure out in middle school such as creating better backgrounds and making more broad functions so I don’t have to rewrite the same code multiple times. We encountered a lot of failures and completely changed our goal halfway through. I think this fill successfully be finished by the time we need it to be done. We are collecting information from other people to find out what they may like to see in a website and we are listing all of the changes we need to make. To make these changes we go into Notepad ++ and find the code of the element we want to change. For example if we have text that reads “Hello” with yellow text it would look like this…
<a style="color: yellow;">Hello</a>.
If I wanted to change the color of the text to blue to match the background and make it say “Hello World” I would change the code to look like this…
 <a style="color: blue;">Hello World</a>.
All we are doing is taking the basic outline we have and adding to or changing the existing elements by changing the code.
