Crude Oil Trains
The video below was made to publicize an underrated issue, CSX crude oil trains running through PA. Most people, including myself, are unaware that these oil trains are passing through our state and to most that might not seem like a problem. However, there have been several reports of these trains derailing which leads to dangerous oil spills and could harm a lot of civilians. Pennsylvania is the not the only state where these trains pass through, but the reason it's an issue specifically for citizens of PA is because of the fact that we don't have any laws protecting the trains or the people living near the tracks. The reason I chose to do this topic is because as a citizen of PA I think it is important for not only our health and safety but as a community that we have the resources and capability to immediately take action if a train is at risk of derailing or does derail.
I contributed to this project by doing several interviews with fellow students to hear what they know about the trains and their opinions on them and to also provide awareness. I also did extensive amounts of research on train crashes, derailments, and other issues that could be caused by these trains. As well as acting in a scene as Hillary Clinton to show a political view of the issue. I wish I had helped more with the video editing process but I think the research I did for the video was a great help and it also gave me a new view on crude oil trains. Doing this project showed me how little we know about what's happening in our own neighborhood, before doing this I had no idea these trains were running through Philadelphia, let alone near homes with families.
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