Dejah's House
1) Describe your project. This was my first time doing something like this so this project was me attempting to create a house. I didn't get to add all of the rooms and the full effect of the house because I wasn't so familiar with how to use this software.
2) What did you learn while completing this project? I kind of learned how to use this and the controls of it. This software was really kind of challenging to get to learn how to do and as I looked a t other people's finished designed they look so cool but so advanced.
3) What was the hardest part about completing this project? The hardest part was learning how to control everything after a while i know of got the hang of the easy things.
4) What was the most fun/exciting part? The fun part was doing the project and
5) If you were to do this project over again, what would you do differently? Spend more time learning how to use it.
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