Dejah's Mini Apartment
Describe your project? My project was a designing website that had to do with designing your own house. So for my house I just created a one bedroom apartment that included:
Living Room
Dining Room/ Kitchen
Laundry Room
What knowledge did you already have about the project before you started? I didn't really know anything about it but, that it was used to create or design your own house
What new skill did you want to learn coming into the project I wanted to learn how to use it. What controls everything. I wanted to learn how to manage the measurements the the house was and the room that were in it.
Did you accomplish the goal of learning this new skill? Yes I accomplished this by going through the project and learning more and more about it as I went on.
How do you know you accomplished the goal? If you didn’t accomplish your goal, why do you think that is? I know that i accomplished this by my final project and the knowledge that I gained throughout the process of my project.
What other skill(s) did you learn along the way? I really just learned all the controls or most of the controls for the website.
What are you most proud of in this project? The final piece. I like how it turned out.
- What would you do differently if you had to do the project over again? If I was to do the project again I wouldn't do anything different but trying something more challenging like trying to add another floor or a basement.
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