Delaware water pollution PSA

Keya Ghosh


  1. Reflection:

    1. Provide a summary of the contents of your video and a rationale for why YOU chose this topic, in paragraph form.

  • I chose this topic because In philly has a lot’s of water pollution. The main issue for our project to relate back to this topic, I researched different issues that I thought would inspire me to educate the world on also that similar to what I did with the Dakota Access Pipeline. I decided that I would discuss an issue with something that is more important to our life everyday, which was water. My group and I focused on the Delaware River as it runs through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The issue of water pollution pertained to me because there are people who do activities in this water such as rowing, and the water which contains toxins, and bacteria can splash on them, and then they often will just get in their car with the wet clothes from rowing, and contaminate their car with bacteria, and they're unaware of it.

    1. Provide a reflection on how you contributed to the project and the role you played in the group.

  • I contributed to the project and the role that I  played in our group was the explaining. Also I helped to make our script and do the organized about problems on the area for that we talking about Delaware river.

    1. What did you do well and what could you have done differently?

  • I am consider to think that what I did well, I believe that I did well with some explanation part of our script. I feel I could have done my video recording  instance, only voice-over because of the camera. I hope that I could spoke well enough and loud in to my voiceover.

    1. What was the most meaningful part of the experience of creating the PSA?

  • The most meaningful part of the creating the PSA is that I was able to band together with our group of people who have different abilities, as well as learn more about a topic that I would have make over in the news. I hope that the right people come in contact with the video my group members and I created, and learn a lot about it. I was also able to incorporate prior knowledge of water issues into the PSA which made it even the more meaningful for me.

  1. Post the link to your blog on Canvas by the due date and also share in your social media platform of choice!
