Design and Media Quarter 1 Project

Home Page of Digital Portfolio
Home Page of Digital Portfolio

In doing his project, I wanted to show the world a glimpse of my life. While completing this, I included details of my life in and out of school, as well as extracurricular activities that I am participating in. My goal was to at least scratch the surface of the many accomplishments I have made, and I what I still hope to accomplish. In order to do all of this, I created a homepage to introduce my viewers to my website, an about me page to give a little tidbit of my life, a project page to highlight a project I have completed, and a resume page to list my achievements. In addition to all this, I created a Gallery to explain the pictures I have on my website. A failure I encountered was that the explanation for my homepage got deleted. I overcame this by just making a new one, instead of wasting time complaining.

By completing this project, I learned many new features and abilities of the website editor Weebly. As far as what I learned about myself, even though I separated my life outside of school into rowing, Teen Bible Quiz, and social life, I realize now that all my life is social, and that I interact with others in everything I do. The only thing different I would do on this project if I did it all over again was make the pages more aesthetically pleasing. In other words, I would spend more time designing the format of each page instead of typing as much as I did. A tip I would give to others who are completing this project is to think of the things that you most care about, and base your website off of those areas of your life. This portfolio has inspired me to chase my dreams and continue doing well in everything I do. The message of this project dicated the medium. The reason I think so is because depending on what I was displaying on any particular page, that influenced what the background would be, and how I would go about explaining the page.
