Design Your Own Website: André Thomas
I'm really proud of my final product. Even though it was pretty straightforward and I was given some linear requirements it was enjoyable. I began working on this unsure of what to expect but it turned out to be better than what I believed I was capable of. I hoped to learn what went into designing a site and this project taught me exactly that! I actually finished all of my pieces on time in this project but had to withhold the final submission due to me deleting something that I never meant to. I still find that all my checkpoints being submitted on time as a huge success given the fact I knew nothing about websites going into this. The only trouble I had outside of deletion was creating a homepage which was the only thing I feel as though I never got right. I learned that I've done a lot more than I remember....but I do not have photos to account for most of it. I do not think I would want to redo this project if given the chance but from now on I will try to take more pictures of my achievements and when I attend events.
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