Devon Defining the ever expanding internet

I would say that i am a pretty good person online because I'm responsible i make sure it's nothing explicit or offensive to anyone I mean at times I might slip up and find myself calling someone out on a picture because they said something ignorant and unintelligent to say and i will call them out on some real stuff but that's besides the point. I would like to think that people would think I'm a very independent and self righteous person who stands up for others who are being put down and told they are worthless.But the thing is i know i probably seem uptight and there's probably people who are like can he mind his business. But i think that if i have an opinion that is not gonna offend someone. I think before i act i think of these essential questions which are Am i gonna offend someone?, Do i feel comfortable with people are gonna think of when they see this?, Am i risking anything by putting this thing on the internet?


  • You can connect with others you haven't seen in a long time

  • you can learn interesting new things

  • you can get close to those who live in other parts of the world


-well it can be used and it sad it's a common usage to put others down

- It can cause others to become suicidal

- it can scar children emotionally and can make them depressed

-it can cause others to forget how normally communicate with others

I think that it takes certain amount of control to act appropriately online because you can willy nilly just put anything you want up there you need to be grown up and mature enough to know what is appropriate  for others to look at and also what is appropriate for you to lay your eyes on. Just because you think something is right and is not that big of a deal doesn't mean society is ready to see that or be as comfortable with what you deem worthy as to being fine or appropriate. One thing you should watch out for is those employers who will ask you for your facebook or instagram account or even both and they will judge you right then and there who you really are after a real life interview or not they are gonna determine who will get a job based off of what they know from what you post on those social media platforms. I personally think it's wrong yet a good way to keep your work place having classy well adjusted people working for you because first off if you're ready to be apart of a company that pays well you need to be who you are at work and at home which means no posting illegal stuff on insta and coming to work all happy and well adjusted no. You need to be well adjusted individual at home social media and the workplace it's a tough job but it's easy yeah see. But here's some tips 1) only post the bare minimum not everyone needs to know you hate susan and are planning on jumping her come on man not cool, 2) If you wanna post and really good selfie a gun or blunt is not necessary just some good lighting and your beautiful smile and if not a smile then just a straight up model face. For score and seven years ago our for fathers gave us the freedom of speech a law allowing us to say whatever is on our mind and preach our own belief but what's tricky is what's an appropriate way to handle this type of privilege well i will help define this tricky law well it's said that freedom of speech means you have the right to say whatever you  want but there limits even tho people still say them and they are  still in there rights to say what they have to say. For example you can't yell FIRE in a crowded building because people may get injured even tho you can still say the word you'll get locked up for using it at the wrong times so is it really freedom of speech or not this law is really defined it feels as if it can't make up its mind of what it really is. Now let us talk about infamous internet trolls they stalk and prowl around for anyone who is way better than they are and put them down in the most harshest ways by saying the most harshest things and even tho there are people who can rub it off their shoulder internet trolls have caused a lot of people some grief and some pain even causing others to become suicidal. The main goal of these horrible internet trolls is to cause pain and gain a sense of pride in putting others down to raise their terrible self esteem. So how do we stop them you may be asking the funny thing is people get so hyped up and want to lash back at them and put them down back in their place when the correct thing to do is to just ignore them leave them as they are in their own little world trying to bring others down.

Pros of anonymously posting online

-you can give your opinion without ridicule

- if you don't really like putting yourself out there but you wanna look for help you can still get it without having trouble  

-if you want to get answers you don't have to give you real name if you're a shy person about that


  • there can be a lot more child predator stalking

  • there can be inappropriate messages sent to others such as under age nudes and etc

  • there can be people who send anonymous messages putting down others and they never find out who it is so they do it as many times as they want and torture the person.

Heres some tips to keep you afloat in this crazy fast paced online social media world we live in

  1. Be cautious you never know who you'll meet online not everyone is who they say they are lots of people live lies on the internet

  2. It's always good to ignore the haters and not respond even tho it's tempting it's not worth it they'll keep responding back and keep on being irritating

  3. make sure who you are in real life is who you are on the internet  and don't give out too much info about your personal life it's not needed

Thx for reading and have a good time and good luck you'll need nowadays  

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