Donald Rodgers Capstone

What I did for my project was present the current issue dealing with HIV into peoples lives and how we should continue to stay safe from this. Not all people look at their health all the time and I want to make sure that people have a public awareness on their intentions and how it might affect people. I did a lot of things like ask around a hospital for patients who have it and what it did to them. I learned that people take public safety lightly and don't realize their surroundings like having intimate relations with some who contains a STD. I was going to bring in condoms for everyone who doesn't have it or cant get to one. Another thing I learned was that I must show others that keeping your own health in check benefits you and the others around you. Showing others you care for your health let’s them know that you are aware about your health and you are doing your best to keep it good. People like this show others it can change someone’s life, and people around the persons live’s.

What I did for my project was present the current issue dealing with HIV into peoples lives and how we should continue to stay safe from this. Not all people look at their health all the time and I want to make sure that people have a public awareness on their intentions and how it might affect people. I did a lot of things like ask around a hospital for patients who have it and what it  did to them. I learned that people take public safety lightly and don't realize their surroundings like having intimate relations with some who contains a STD. I was going to bring in condoms for everyone who doesn't have it or cant get to one. Another thing I learned was that I must show others that keeping your own health in check benefits you and the others around you. Showing others you care for your health let’s them know that you are aware about your health and you are doing your best to keep it good. People like this show others it can change someone’s life, and people around the persons live’s. 
