Ethnobtany and Culture

​Through this project I had the chance to learn more about agriculture. I learned about the different tribes that had a big influence on agriculture. They helped with the society especially when it comes to trading. Different tribes used to trade food, animals, and raw materials. We depend on the growth of these crops for food, health, and even clothes. Before we bought everything we need from a grocery store, Native tribes would plant and cultivate crops to survive. They used agriculture to their advantage and made the most out of everything.

One of the tribes that I learned the most from was the:

The Sioux tribe, from South Dakota-

They lived in teepees, wore clothing made from animal skin such as buffalo, the clothing usually consisted of Fur,  leather, and suede. They traded buffalo products for crops such as corn. They got this from tribes of plains (tribes found within Canada, and The U.S). Females were good at bead embroidery, while men usually performed raids  on other tribes. They believed in 4 powers that controlled the universe.

Animals such as Buffalo and Bear were a big deal to them usually used in rituals, and celebrations. Although they tended to crops and used them as a source of income. Their main source of income was the animals they killed and herded. The weapons and clothing made from the fur and skin of these animals were highly praised and sold well.
