Fast plants final submission
I predicted that the F2 generation would look exactly like that is F1 generation. My prediction was wrong. There was slight differences between the to generation and the F1 generation. Personally I think that the F2 generation grew faster than the F1 generations. We got quicker results.The space of the plants were very small and when plants grow people usually transfer them into a different area to grow more and have more space. Also we were using a light to help them grow instead of sunlight so that can have a small effect on it.Depending on the environment the organism can get any mutation so that they can be Edison adapted to other environments for survival. Using a inheritance box to see what are the likelihood of the organism getting specific genes.Something that really stood out to me was that everything connects to matter what. Everything is always affected by something which causes like a domino effect for example prey and predator relationships.
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