Fury Basso-Davis Capstone

Hello reader!

For my Capstone, I created a number system for organization that will be implemented when using new tripods for projects, whether they are a class or personal use within school. With this system, said lost tripods will be found with much more ease. Each tripod and its corresponding microphone have been labeled with a number 1-8. There is also a notebook where students must sign out each tripod they are using with their name and email address. I was also able and privileged enough to collect multiple pieces of student art that have been displayed in the halls of SLA Beeber. Art is important in schools because creativity helps us learn, and school buildings can be bleak, however, SLA Beeber is not. There is art in almost every hallway, but I felt as though it needed more that was created by students who want their art to be displayed. Art is a way of expression and a way to be heard. Being able to express yourself through more than words creates a healthy environment for learning. During these stressful times of sickness, corruption, and a betrayal of human rights, art is a way to bring us together and make us stronger as a community. Thank you to everyone who contributed to my project, and a special thanks to Zoe Strauss for allowing me to be a part of her space for two years, Mr. Rosen-Long for helping my project move forward, and of course, Mr. Lawrence for seeing me for who I am, and always encouraging me to continue down the path I am on!

Malaya Ulan
Malaya Ulan
