Gabrielle Robinson's Q3 BenchMark Reflection

Unit Essential Questions: What value do we see in the biodiversity and natural resources of the earth? - I see that it helps make the earth a better and cleaner place to live on What human actions are associated with altering Earth’s natural systems? - Throwing trash on the ground How can individuals, communities, and or nations live more sustainably? - By throwing trash in the trash cans and throwing recycling in the recycling Reflection Questions: How did this project deepen your understanding of sustainability? - It made me understand how badly we hurt the earth when we don't do the right things What information about your chosen industry surprised you most? Why? - How much trash we produce and how much it affects the world because I didn't know how bad it affected the world How did you contribute to your group's project? Provide specific examples. What were you proud of, in terms of your overall project? I did most of the painting and building for the physical model and designed the slides.

Gabbi , Jahmir, Aazim
