Help-A-Local Eco-friendly Business
Unit Essential Questions 1. A value we see with biodiversity and natural resources is sustainability on the planet and using natural materials that don't emit toxic substances or gasses. 2. Some human actions that alter earth's natural systems are deforestation, overusing resources, pollution, littering, etc. 3. We can all try to come together as a community or locally start preserving a lot more of the natural resources we do have. Reflection Questions 1. This project depended my understanding of sustainability by taking the time to compare and contrast fast fashion with slow fashion. I learned just how different these two manufacturing practices are and how as a community, we can chip in. 2. What surprised me the most about Nike's manufacturing was how much toxins their clothing materials can give off compared to natural materials 3. I contributed by researching Nike and their practices, by making our model, by drawing our model, and by being a group leader. Overall, I'm proud of how much more knowledge I have gained during my research on clothing sustainability.
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