How does food supply affect life expectancy?

The food supply affects life expectancy is proper nutrition. Eating healthy is the most effective and sometimes expensive way to decrease the fear of diseases ending your life or causing major complications. According to Audre Biciunaite, “.The most obvious explanation behind the connection between life expectancy and income is the effect of food supply on mortality. Historically, there have been statistically convincing parallels between prices of food and mortality.”

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Overall, the life expectancy of my countries are in a positive correlation. Haiti's correlation is all over the place because climate change and earthquakes. Japan and Germany goes in a positive correlation because they both have equal amounts of food supply and decrease and increasing life expectancy. This is because in places like Haiti, food is scarce because they have a lot of natural disasters that makes the food supply decrease and as a result, life expectancy drops. In the other countries, Natural disasters are less likely to occur so, food supply is leveled and so their life expectancy.

In the graph above, there are two images of graphs from gapminder. As you can see Haiti’s data is in a S shape. In the data, you can see that Haiti has had some decrease in food supply and life expectancy. The cause of that is because of the climate changes and natural disasters occurring. When looking at Japan’s data, overtime life expectancy and the food supply is increasing. Then life expectancy starts to increase more than food supply starts to decrease. The cause of this is because people traveled to the countryside to get their food and in the early stages war was reasonable. When looking Germany’s data, the life expectancy and food supply is increasing. These data points show the increasing and decreasing of food supply and life expectancy throughout the years.

Living in a country like Haiti is difficult due to the common natural disasters including severe storms, flooding, landslides, drought and the devastating earthquake that rocked the country on 12 January 2010 that have been occurring for the past two decades. A lot of people who live in Haiti, such as some relatives of mine, do not have access to water, electricity, health benefits or somewhere that is clean/sanitized. The cause of food supply decreasing is because of the storms. A lot of Haitians grow everything they eat and go fishing. When huge storms hit them, the food supply decreases drastically. “According to the latest WHO data published in 2015 life expectancy in Haiti is: Male 61.5, female 65.5 and total life expectancy is 63.5 which gives Haiti a World Life Expectancy ranking of 144. You can see the top 20 causes of death data and rankings for Haiti by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.”

In a country like Japan, food is their culture. They have a wide variety of food. Being as though their food plays a major role in their country, “uniquely reflects the natural environment, regional diversity and underlying value system of this resilient country, says Brendan FD Barrett”. Their food supply are always increasing in numbers because everything they eat are grown from the ground by them. Then the food supply started to decrease a bit because people stopped farming and they started to import goods from other countries which increased in Japan. The largest amount of imported food comes from the United States followed by China, of course. According to nbc news by Geoffrey Cain, a globalpost correspondent, “The Japanese have the highest life expectancy of any major country. Women on average live to 87 and men to 80 (compared to 81 years for American women and 76 for American men). The Japanese can live 75 of those years disability free and fully healthy, according to the World Health Organization.”

In germany, the living is fair… not too bad. According to Better Life Index, “Germany performs well in many measures of well-being relative to most other countries in the Better Life Index. Germany ranks above the average in education and skills, work-life balance, jobs and earnings, environmental quality, social connections, housing, personal security and subjective well-being.” When looking at the graph, germany has had a steady increase of food supply. “According to the latest WHO data published in 2015 life expectancy in Germany is: Male 78.7, female 83.4 and total life expectancy is 81.0 which gives Germany a World Life Expectancy ranking of 24. You can see the top 20 causes of death data and rankings for Germany by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page”.

These countries have different data. Some of the life expectancy depends on the food supply whereas the food supply depend on the life expectancy. In haiti, life expectancy has been decreasing over the past two decades due to natural disasters that made a negative impact on the food supply. The citizens of Haiti depend on their crops to feed their families and survive. In Japan, food supply is increasing and so is Life expectancy. In japan, they have a strict diet. Mostly growing their food, but then they started to import specific foods such as soy and wheat. One thing that I found interesting is that Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world because the diet they stick to is healthy. As they get older, they start to eat more vegetables. A combination of small portions, lower-calorie foods like fish and vegetables, and beautiful eye-appealing dishes all contribute to a longer and healthier lifespan, argues Naomi Moriyama in her co-authored book "Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen." In Germany, the life expectancy and food supply are increasing in a steady rate. As far as making a living, Germany has been living well in debt free. They rank the highest in education and skills which is a plus to making a living.

Life expectancy of my countries are in a positive correlation. Haiti's correlation is all over the place because climate change and earthquakes. overtime life expectancy and the food supply is increasing. Then life expectancy starts to increase more than food supply starts to decrease. The cause of this is because people traveled to the countryside to get their food and in the early stages war was reasonable. When looking Germany’s data, the life expectancy and food supply is increasing. These data points show the increasing and decreasing of food supply and life expectancy throughout the years.

                                   Reference Page :

"Life Expectancy in Germany." World Life Expectancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.

"Germany." OECD Better Life Index. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.

OurWorld20. "Future of Food in Japan." Our World. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.

Correspondent, Geoffrey Cain GlobalPost. NBCUniversal News Group,    17 June 2014. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.
