How to survive social media

  1. When I am online I believe that I am still the same me, I also believe that I appear to be nice person (or as nice of a person that I can be).

     2) I believe that based on this appearance people perceive me someone who is fun, a bit         crazy, and very intelligent. At least, this is how I hope people perceive me.

     3) When posting things online I have to consider whether it will affect my goals of attending Stanford for a four-year college, or enrolling in Harvard for law school, especially opening up my own law firm.

    4) There are many pros and cons of sharing online. One pro is that online technologies make it easier for you to share important moments with friends and family. A common con is that some people often post things that could that could hurt them.

   5) Lack of control has an impact on our online lives because sometimes we don’t think before we act often causing huge consequences, which leads into immediacy. Immediacy is that moment when you hit the send button, and your moment is instantly shared with your friends making it very hard to take back a mistaken post since everyone has already seen it. Lastly, permanence goes hand in hand with immediacy because that same second you post something somebody else is already reposting it. This is why it is important to watch what you post on the internet because it never goes away.

   7) Free speech is something you can say without there being any consequences by law.

A lot of speech is protected but speech like Slander, Libel, Fighting words, and obscenity aren’t protected.


  • Don’t post anything someone can use against you.

  • Don’t post anything that could hurt someone else.

  • Stop worrying about what others say because most of the time they’re wrong.

  • Stop hurting yourself when someone else hurts you, hurt them instead.

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