Humans of SLA Beeber: Eamon Kelly

Eoin- Hello!

Eamon- Hello.

Eoin- How are you?

Eamon- Good, how are you?

Eoin- I’m great! What is your name?

Eamon- My name is Eamon Kelly.

Eoin- Eamon Kelly, ok, I am going to ask you a few questions here. What is your earliest memory?

Eamon- Ok, so this is pretty shocking, My earliest memory, I actually remember being in the hospital the day I was born and my uncle making silly faces at me. Thats basically the first thing I remember.

Eoin- You have a really good memory apparently. Quick! What did you wear last week on this day?

Eamon- Blue shirt.

Eoin- Blue shirt. Nice. Ok, next question, what was the funniest moment of your life?

Eamon- Well there are so many, so I’m just going to list one. The funniest moment, would have to be, when we scared one of my friends. It was really funny, we got like eight people to help me out on this. We scared her, and she fell to the ground all shocked and stuff, and then we laughed so hard, all eight of us fell down.

Eoin- Nice. Ok. What was the happiest moment of your life, and why?

Eamon- The happiest moment of my life would have to be going to my Junior Prom, because I got to spend so much time with my friends, my date, and it was just a really good time. Dancing with everybody and some great music.

Eoin- Like the Harlem Shake?

Eamon- No, like the Carlton Dance.


Interview (2)
