Humans of SLA Beeber: Ms. Guarino

20150415_132439.jpg  Ms. Guarino

What is the most exciting thing about you?

“The most exciting thing about me?... Maybe that I… teach. I think teaching is really exciting! I think think getting to hang out around kids all the time as your job, is a pretty exciting thing. So that’s probably what I talk about a lot when people ask me’’.

How would you describe yourself as a person?

“ I think I am a kind person. I think that’s one of my best qualities about me, that I really am nice, I think which you don’t always find in everyone. I think that I try to be funny, but sometimes  I’m not funny. I think that I am a loving person, I think that comes from coming from a big family. So I think those are my three biggest qualities”.

How would you feel about being engaged?

“ Oh pretty exciting, I was very surprised!. So I’m still a little bit shocked, but I’m feeling pretty happy about it, everyone in my life is really happy about it. So that makes it a little exciting too.”

Voice 078 (1)
