Humans of SLA Beeber: Rymir
What is the most exciting thing you have done, so far in your life?
“Umm… the most exciting thing I’ve done in my life. Well it’s something I do more often, just make people laugh. Like honestly, something I do something I love, and yeah when people smile I smile. That’s kinda weird, but yeah.”
What was the happiest moment in your life?
“Happiest moment in my life… Umm…. Happiest moment in my life was probably when…. Like I just… I actually don’t have one. I can’t think of one, I have so many memories, but just happiest moment is to see my mom, I guess. You know my mom has been like a big person in my life, so yeah.”
What’s the best thing about being a teenager, and what’s the worst?
What was the happiest moment of your life?
“When all my children was born.”
What does your future hold?
“Everything that I have to offer to myself, what I put into my life is what I will get out of it.”
What’s the most exciting thing you have done in your?
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