Ignite presentation

For the first quarter I was assigned to do a website design project. It was supposed to be a way of me learning how to make one and let people know about me. The goal was for me to have a intriguing home, about me, resumé, and project page. I successfully completed those goals and created my website by showing who I was and stuff about me. For the second quarter I did 3D modeling. The goal was to create a 3D model and display my knowledge of using the tool. I used the Pixlr tool to help me create my Iphone design which turned out successful. I learned how to use the tool and I completed creating the Iphone.

For the third quarter I did graphic design. The goal of this project was to create a sign that would be helpful in the world, community, etc. I believe this project wasn't my best since I had a hard time using the tool to create it. I did complete the project and created a stop and think sign that would be helpful to everyone. The project I revised was my website home page. I changed every sentence to something new and the background. I took away some detail about myself since It's only my home page and you'll learn more about me in on the next page. I put the man setting up to run as my background to show what I love to do everyday. The goal of revising my website was to make any adjustments to a certain page on it to make it better. I successfully completed this task with improving my home page with pictures and better wording.

My high point of this course was learning how to use all the tools I did to complete projects. I would've never knew about WIX or Tinkercad without this course. Using those

tools made me want to explore even more

An area of growth for me would be to learn how to teach other people the things I learned. I have a great understanding of some concepts that others would would want to learn but I have a hard time of explaining. A skill I learned this year that I could use outside of this class is patience. With a lot of the tools I used I needed to have patience to complete my work. Having patience is the best skill to have or use anywhere.

An idea I have for next year would be for students to create a 3D model of a object or thing but then bring it to life by making a model of it. Like when I created a 3D model of my iphone online, I would make a clay model of it to display. The #1 tip I owuld give for anybody taking this class next year would be to ask many questions. If you dont ask questions in this class then you might end up getting something wrong or not understanding. The #2 tip would be to always give a quality effort with each assignment. The less effort you show the less of a grade you get which you want the highest grade possible. Tip #3 for anyone taking this class would be to turn in every assignment on time and stay ahead.
