Internet Survival Guide
Carlton Chandler, Jr
November, 30th 2016
Internet Survival Guide
An explanation of how the Internet has changed communication. Make sure to use at least one specific example.
Define Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control as they pertain to the Internet
An explanation of how Immediacy, Permanence and Lack of Control affect both our offline and our online identities and lives. Include at least one example.
What are two ways that you can actively manage and protect your identity and your reputation online? (one of each)
Answer the question: “Does the Internet have rules?” Use at least one specific example.
Define cyberbullying in your own words.
Describe at least 2 kinds o f cyberbullying and why they are considered cyberbullying
Provide advice for: victims, bullies and bystanders of cyberbullying
Your Top 5 tips for using the Internet
Internet Changed communication because we have social media and stuff like that. Like instagram and snapchat.
Immediacy- the quality of bringing one into direct and instant involvement with something, giving rise to a sense of urgency or excitement. Permanence- the state or quality of lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely. Lack of control- You have no control of what goes on the internet that when someone posts you.
Don’t do anything explicit online and like just keep certain things to yourself.
The internet itself doesn’t have rules but the things on the internet does like facebook and twitter
Cyberbullying is when you make harsh comments to hurt people online. Two type Harassment and Masquerading they are considered cyberbullying because they are harsh acts
Victims- Stand up and tell someone don’t keep your situation to yourself Bullies- leave people alone get a life or something Bystanders- Don’t just stand there help those being cyberbullied
- Top 5 tips for using the internet 1-Don’t post anything explicit 2- You shouldn’t have the same password for every app you use. 3- Don’t cyberbully man it uncool just don’t do it 4-
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