Internet Survival Guide
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People used to get their news from the newspaper but now people get their news from online and in 2013 47% of the population got their news from Facebook.
Immediacy has a very serious effect on the internet, people just do what they want without thinking on the effects. Permanence. People don't realize that what they post on the internet will not go away even if they take it down. Lack of Control. You might only email two people something but that could go viral and the whole internet could end up knowing it.
All of these have a much larger effect on the internet because anyone can see what you post share it as they like and do what they want with it. It might be illegal but people will still do it. Like with Tyler how he was recorded inline and ended up committing suicide.
You should always think before you post and if something comes you do not like you should send an email asking for it to be taken down. You should never give out your email to an untrusted source or click unknown links.
Yes the internet has rules it might be hard to enforce them but the internet does have rules. If you look on websites you will see that you sometimes have to agree to something, those can be considered rules.
Cyberbullying is the act of harassing someone over the internet or giving out personal information. Doxing is a kind of cyberbullying that involves getting the information of someone and releasing it online. Impersonation is a kind of cyberbullying because it can be used to harass someone by making a bad name for that person.
Victims should always say something what is happening to a teacher parent or even police.
Bullies should think about what they are doing and stop.
Bystanders should speak up and say something or get help
Be very careful and do not do anything that could leak any information.
Remember that no matter what you might think it is virtually impossible to be anonymous on the internet.
Be nice on the internet.
Remember that the internet does have rules.
- Try not to be a different person.
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