Internet Survival Guide

  1. The internet really changed the communication. Before the internet, people communicated with telegraphs and written letters, or even with verbal speech. Now people have more ways like, Facebook, twitter, hangouts, etc. because of that, the rate of face to face speech has decreased.

  2. Immediacy = how fast the content that you put in the internet gets out there. Permanence = the time you're content stays in the web, (forever). Lack of control = you have no control over your content once you put it in the web. permanence= once you put anything up, it stays there FOREVER!!! For example, an girl shared a video with just her friends talking about asians in the library. At first, it was JUST to her friends. But as soon as she posted the video, it was being shared millions of times!! Now, everyone got the stories in their hands forever. She is having troubles fitting in. that’s why you should think before you post

  3. First way is to report fake accounts. Second way is to use strong passwords

  4. The internet does not have rules. Individual websites have rules like, “do not use profanity language. If you use it, you're comment will not be posted”

  5. Harassing and flaming. They use profanity or language that is intentionally meant to hurt someone’s feelings.

  6. Do Not fuel the fire / talk back or respond to the cyberbullies. Contact an adult

  7. Be safe, be prepared, take tech Class, Report spammers, and help others!
