Internet Survival Guide

Slide Two: The internet changed communication by allowing people to text and interact with each other without either one knowing who the person they’re talking too is. When you go online, you can start a chat with someone. Their username could be their real name or a variation of their name, favorite food, favorite cartoon, everything they want. You don’t know who you’re talking too or they’re from, that’s how the internet changed communication.

Slide Three : When you post a picture online on social media sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook, someone can immediately take a screenshot, save, or download your comments or pictures. That’s immediacy. For example, let’s say  I posted a picture of me and my sisters on Instagram or posted a really nasty comment and deleted it afterward. The comment and picture are still on the Internet, someone who took a screenshot of the comment or downloaded the photo, can repost it. It’s that quick.

Slide Five: Anything you post online stays online. It’s permanent. Even if you delete it, there’s some kind of variation of your picture, blog, comment, etc. on the internet. That’s permanence. Anything you put online stays online even if you thought it was gone. For example, if you post an article or have a blog and deleted it somehow. It’s still there. Nothing really gets deleted off the internet, someone can recreate your article or blog post. It’s not gone.

Slide Four: Like I said with immediacy, once you post something online, it spreads fast. It can go in anyone’s hands and anyone would go post it and claim it as theirs. Lack of control pretty much explains itself. The lack of ownership on anything you’ve posted online. Once it’s out there, it’s out there. For example, you immediately post a picture of yourself on Instagram. Even though you took the picture and you posted it first, you still lost control of it. Now everyone can save or download your picture and use it for themselves.  

Slide Six:  Well, to protect your identity would be not to post so many pictures of yourself online. Don’t give anyone your private information and don’t trust anyone online. Another way could be to be careful around the internet. Know the consequences of posting something online and try to monitor your computer and internet access.

You can manage your reputation online by not feeding trolls. If you see someone saying mean things about you and spamming your profile or email, either report them or block them. Replying back to them will just give ammunition to damage your reputation and can post your comments online. Showing the people they follow that you’re a bully even if they’re the one shaming you. Another way could be positive and nice online. Don’t post any negative or insulting comments online.

Slide Seven: The Internet has rules somewhat but does seem as if they can do anything you want on there. Websites and apps do have rules, rules people follow and obey by. But the Internet as a whole does have rules

Slide Eight: Cyberbullying is  harassing and bullying someone online, it can be unintentional or intentional.

Slide Nine:

  • Shaming

  • Trolling

Slide Ten: For victims of cyberbullying, you would say try to get some help. First block or report this person. Don’t engage in anything conversation with them and don’t have your friends talk to them too. The bully would now be able to pick on you and your friends. If blocking and reporting them didn’t work, tell your parents. If your parents decided to take legal action, gather evidence of them bullying you. Screenshot their messages and provide it to the court. Evidence can help you.

For bullies, my advice would be to think before you post. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you respond if someone was harassing you online? Why exactly are you posting negative comments and getting into arguments with them and leads to physical threats? Depending on which state you’re in, you could go to jail for online harassment. It is worth it?

For bystanders, I would say don’t bully the bully. Telling the bully off would just anger them more and now you’re going to be bullied too. Private message the victim and comfort them. Tell them how special they are and not to listen to the bully’s threat.

Slide 11: Your Top 5 tips for using the Internet

  1. Think before you post

  2. The Internet is a privilege, not a right

  3. Try to put yourselves in other’s shoes, you don’t know them. You don’t know what they’re going through.

  4. Respect the Internet and the contents within

  5. Life doesn’t revolve around the Internet. Try taking short breaks from it to go outside or read a book.  
