Internet Survival Guide

Slide 2) now a days people don’t say things to each other, They are always in their phone checking on snapchat, instagram, facebook, twitter or whatever they have. I feel like with all this technology and social media people are having less face to face conversations and Interacting with people.

Slide 3) Permanence- once you post something (inappropriate or appropriate) it stays for ever in the internet doesn’t matter if you delete it or not.

   Lack of control -  When you post something disrespectful that you know you weren’t suppose to post

   Immediacy- How quick a picture or video could be sent online

All of these can affect our offline and online identities because if something bad happens to whatever you post, it will stay with you forever and people will constantly bring it up and you will be known as that person in the video, picture or whatever you post. For example permanence because if you decide to take it down someone probably saved it or download it. Lack of control is something that affects you also because you are posting something that you aren’t suppose too and people are going to lose respect for you. Lastly immediacy can also affect you by how a picture you take down can already be sent to another website by another person.

Slide 4) Two ways you can protect your identity is by not posting any personal information and not sharing everything to everyone

   Two ways you can manage your reputation online is putting all of your accounts on private and blocking/reporting people.   

Slide 5) “Does the Internet have rules?” yes the internet does have rules and people should obey them because there will be consequences if you don’t follow them. Just because people aren’t following doesn’t mean you have too.

Slide 6) How I define cyberbullying when someone anonymous is attacking someone else with rude/mean/hateful comments on someone’s page or picture. Also when you are threatening the person.

Slide 7) 2 kinds of cyberbullying are harassment and impersonation. Harassment is considered cyberbullying because you are repeatedly sending someone harming and offensive messages to the person. Impersonation is also cyberbullying because you are pretending to be someone else that is sending mean things, false information or hurtful comments to someone who isn’t even you.

Slide 8) Advice I have for victims, bullies and bystanders of cyberbullying is why are you bullying this person? Have they done anything to you? Are you going to be that person who is a going to act like a troll online and try to be normal in person? Also bystanders speak up do something, don’t let anyone get bully online. They don’t deserve this. Do something. And lastly for the victims who are getting bully just remember they aren’t worth your time. Don’t listen to them. They are just trying to bring people down

Slide 9)  5 tips I have for using the internet is

  • Always make sure you put all of your accounts in private

  • Before you follow the person make sure you look through he/she pictures to make he isn’t fake

  • If the person is commenting on your stuff or dming you and you feel uncomfortable block the person and report him.


  • If you are getting cyberbully don’t do any harmful stuff to yourself speak up you as a person has a voice!
