J.A.C.K Thrift

J.A.C.K Industries is a group of people trying to make a more sustainable world by providing better ways to take care of the fashion/clothing industry. The clothing industry isn't sustainable, however, since it continuously uses up multiple natural resources such as water, plants, and animals without even learning to properly recycle and nourish the same resources that help produce things like coats, pants, shirts, and hats. This, in turn, has led to multiple environmental hazards like radiation, deforestation, endangered animals and water pollution. Not only that, it affects the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. Our plan is to create a shop so people can donate their clothes and we would resale them for cheaper. Along with donating clothes to multiple clothing companies so that they can be reused and recycled into new clothes. That allows fewer greenhouse gases released, which protect the atmosphere. With a more breathable environment, fewer natural resources like cotton and wool and silk will be used to make clothes, which in turn protects both the biosphere and hydrosphere. Using fewer fossil fuels will also protect the geosphere. Understanding how the spheres of the earth are destroyed because of the clothing industry will help people like me and you make the earth a little more sustainable and a little cleaner. By following our business plan, it will reduce how each sphere is affected. Brand names don't matter, thrift to save our planet!

Thrifted clothes!!
Thrifted clothes!!
