Kennedy Holman Natural Disaster
The biosphere, which includes all life, and the geosphere are the two primary components into which scientists split the globe. The lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and atmosphere are the four subsystems that make up the geosphere. These subsystems cooperate to impact geological processes, change the climate, and have an impact on life on Earth because of their interactions with the biosphere and one another. All of these system work together to allow the earth to function properly
Because we have a greater understanding of how natural catastrophes occur and the hazards they represent, knowing environmental science can help us deal with them. Knowing environmental science can help us be ready for future natural disasters. For instance, in many states, teachers advise students to seek shelter beneath their desks during a tornado. This, in my opinion, is very crucial that week seek understanding for why these things happen so we can know what to do, how to prepare and possibly prevent or help it. In addition, it’s usually advisable to keep them as low to the ground as possible during tornado warnings. People can better prepare themselves by knowing what they are dealing with and, more crucially, how to prepare for it if they cannot prevent it, with the help of an understanding of environmental science.
Doing this project definitely opened my eyes to how severe tornadoes are and how it affects us as people, animals and just our environment as a whole
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