
  1. Describe your project
    It’s origami

  2. What knowledge did you already have about the project before you started?

    I’m a pro at origami as long as I have the right materials

  3. What new skill did you want to learn coming into the project?

    I wanted to learn to have more patience because it was my first time doing a piece that required other things than just paper.

  4. Did you accomplish this goal?


  5. How do you know you accomplished the goal? If you didn’t accomplish the goal, why do you think that is?

    I know because I can make things quicker.

  6. What other skill(s) did you learn along the way?

    That I have to follow exact measurements.

  7. What are you most proud of in this project?

    I’m proud of the kunai itself

  8. What would you do differently if you had to do the project over again?

nothing. I like it.
