LGBT youth experience cyberbullying 3x the rate than straight youth
"LGBT youth experience cyberbullying 3x the rate as straight youth."
Jack Kleiner
I chose to use this image because it depicts a character named Felix Dawkins from the BBC television show Orphan Black, who is a homosexual male. This correlates to my message about how LGBT youth are significantly more affected by cyberbullying than that of cisgender and heterosexual youth because of this character being homosexual and facing occasional homophobia in the show. My goal with this ten-worded message was to inform people about how much oppression and hate LGBT people face in comparison to other people on a daily basis, especially when it comes to being online and cyberbullying. There are many ways that a homophobic person can affect an LGBT adolescent which would simply not affect or be a worry for heterosexual or cisgender youth. This includes various forms of profanity and extremely offensive and disgusting slurs, as well as there being a higher risk of suicide or self injury as a result of homophobic cyberbullying. I wanted to convey this message because I have had several experiences with this form of hate (cyberbullying and homophobia/transphobia) and would like to inform as many people as possible about the affects it can have on youth - young adolescents who are still growing, developing, and forming their own opinions on the world and themselves.
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