Martha Bangura Capstone

My partner Alexus Tomlinson and I did a Public Service Announcement about Homelessness. We changed what we wanted to do a few times, but at the end, we settled on Homelessness. When I was looking up information about homelessness and looking at the statistics is devastating. There are many people on a given night who sleep on the streets or in a shelter in Pennsylvania and in America. We went to Old Pine Community Center and The People's Center and interview a few people who worked or volunteered at these centers. We asked them a few questions like why they do what they do and how we can reduce homelessness. I hope my PSA would open the eyes of many people and hopefully find their own way to help the homeless people in their community.
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 9.15.16 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 9.15.16 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 9.24.48 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 9.24.48 PM
