Media and Design

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Hi, my name is Cyrus. This is my project.


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This is my quarter 1 project that I used to create a website. This project was successful because because I was able to finish and I got a good grade and a successful start on a portfolio.


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This website was made to show who I am, my resume, and portfolio.


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There are many pages that can have much more added on to as I do more in life to be presented.


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This is my quarter 2 programming project


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My goal was to learn programming using this program names Karel.


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This project was successful because I finished everything correctly.


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My third project was basically programming.


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I used Notepad++ to code and make changes to the website.


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This was successful because I was able to make the website look more visually appealing.


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I chose to change the homepage to make it look better


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This was my last project which was basically revising a project I did in middle school. I thought there was more that could be changed so I did it.


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I made the home page look less hectic and I think it now looks better


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I think I learned the most when learning how to code using codeHS


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During this course I became better at coding


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I could use these skills if I ever decide to make my own website in the future


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Next year we should try to code our own website and learn how to code


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Tips: Do all of your checkpoints. If you miss them your grade will drop.


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Tip #2: Submit your work on time. Losing points for lateness is not worth it.


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Tip #3: Meet all of the requirements for your checkpoints
