Media and Design through the year

Q1: For the very first project of this class we created our own websites.


Q2: My quarter 2 project was CodeHs which is a programming website. It has 15 lessons that you do and within the lessons you learn how to code and make Karel do different things.


Q3: For my Q3 project I choose to do a gameplay because i figured that it would an easy project to do.   My overall vision of this project was to share something i enjoy doing in my freetime with everyone else. Overall my project was a success, a failure i had was uploading it to youtube from my game system.


Revised benchmark: For my revised benchmark i decided to edit my Q2 benchmark because 1, I really enjoyed doing it and 2, I wasn’t able to complete all the lessons and move onto the challenges.


Course Growth: Throughout this course i had a lot of ups and downs especially when i first started the class. An area that i grew in was submitting the checkpoints on time and getting work done in class. During my time in this class i personally feel as though that i really didn’t learn nothing new but a way I could use some of the skills demonstrated inside of class, outside of class is by doing a website for a personal assignment. Three tips I would give someone taking this class next year would be: submit work on time, stay focused during the class period and be on time because that will eventually affect your grade.  



