Multi-tasking and Cellphone Use Project

​    In this assignment I had to track how often I turned my phone on and off throughout two days. My class also had to track this data and insert their information into a Spreadsheet document. I had to calculate the data, the averages of my class, the least and greatest numbers, and create charts. The goal of this project was to see how often I used my cell phone, how often my class uses their cell phones, how we multitask during important work, what applications we use the most, and how the data of my cell phone use and my class’ cell phone use compared. 
     In conclusion, I believe that cellphone addiction and constant multitasking is a situation in today’s society. I learned, through my observations, that the students in SLA Beeber spend a lot of time using their phones and multitasking while completing their work. I have also learned how often I use my phone, along with how it compares to my classmates and other students at SLA. I learned through my research, that cellphone addiction causes us to look at our phones while talking to people, the first thing you do when you get somewhere is charge our phones, we fall asleep holding our smartphones, we check our phones first thing in the morning, our phone bills are huge, and we feel anxious when your phone is not with us. I also learned through my research that multitasking actually makes our work less successful and we work very slowly. We are actually switch-tasking and going back and forth between the two assignments.We are not actually completing them at the same time.
     Some recommendations I have for my classmates and even myself, is that we should focus more on our school work, instead of multitasking so often. Some tips I have found from research online to assist us with limiting our cell phone use include: For the first 30 minutes of the day we shouldn't go on our phones, we should create “no-phone time zones”, turn off our phones when we get in the car, live more in the moment and reality, and try not to lose sleep over our phones. 
     Here is my spreadsheet for the Cellphone Use Project. I collected my data by using the app Checky, which told me how often I turned my phone on, and the app Moment, which told me how many hours I spent on my phone everyday. I also used the spreadsheet, which told me the data of the other students in my class.
