My room

I’ve noticed that in my life I have endured a lot of pain from my best friend going out with the girl that I liked for 5 years  to my father saying “I’m blood but no longer family”. I never realized that have been living by this 6 word memoir for almost 10 years because I noticed that every time that I have went through something tragic my higher being (Jesus) has brought me a opportunity that has benefited me and blessed me in a way that I could only imagine. For example, I was on TV being a voice for other kids that were in poverty because I wanted to be the voice for them to make a change. Opportunities like this don’t come around like this for people like me. I hope and I’m expecting new and bigger opportunities to open up for me in the future. This my 6 word memoir.

I chose this picture because not to many people that endure pain come with a alot of pleasure which is why I did my room like this with it's boring vibe.

