My Website Q1 Media and Design

Basically my whole project was about me,the things I love to do and the things I accomplished as a student.What I hoped to learn through creating this website, was to just get the experience of making a website just for me to let someone know a little bit more about me.The process for this project actually wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.When I look at all the websites that I go on it seemed to me that it took a long time to make them look so nice well organized but for me it didn’t really take long.A success that I had doing this project was that it turned out how I really wanted it to.But a failure was that some things were taking a long time to upload so that set me back a checkpoint because i wasn’t finished.What I learned about myself through the completion of this project is that even when things don’t work you have to find other ways to do what you have to do.Throughout this project I had a lot of computer problems and on top of that my website wasn’t working,but I had to use the other resources I had to make sure the project was finished on time.The only thing I would change if I were to do the project again is to make it more creative because I know that I could’ve added more information about me.I do believe that my message dictates my medium.I chose a theme and went off of the theme that I chose.But overall I think I did a good job on my website and it was fun.

Screenshot 2016-11-01 at 12.57.25 PM
Screenshot 2016-11-01 at 12.57.25 PM
