Naji Henderson Capstone

For my capstone, I built a go-kart that my team and I will race in a competition later this year. The main reason I chose to do this is that I'm very passionate about engineering and I generally just love building things. We spent one day out of each week of the school year building it at the other SLA campus with the help of our mentor Sal. The process took longer than I expected because I didn't know how much research had to go into building it. The first half of the capstone was just research, but I learned that it was necessary due to the fact of how complicated every component was. Once we began putting it together the process went faster and it wasn't that hard to fix any physical problems with the kart. I've completed many projects related to some field of engineering but this is by far the best thing I've created and I couldn't be more proud of myself and my team.

